Watercolor Harp Tissue Paper Art

Got some tissue paper left over from Christmas gifts? Upcycle it with this DIY artwork, somewhat inspired by this mid-century modern art DIY from Better Homes & Gardens.
tissue paper
water & dish
paint brush
picture frame
paper cut to size of picture frame
Paint your tissue paper with various colors of watercolor. Allow to dry completely.
Cut harp shapes out of the tissue paper. You can freehand it or resize the template from the DIY Harp String Art.
Arrange your tissue paper harps on the paper cut to the size of your picture frame. Once you have them arranged, glue them down. If any rip, just cut out some more.
Place your art in the frame and enjoy!

What colors would you like to use for your watercolor harp tissue paper art? I’d love to see your art on on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or in the comments below!


Barbara Fischer runs Fischarper, LLC and loves her job as a harpist and private music educator. She enjoys blogging about various aspects of the music field on fischarper.com/blog. For more music resources, check out the Fischarper store. You can connect with Barbara all over the interwebs on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube. And you can sign up to receive Fischarper updates by joining the email list.
watercolor harp tissue paper art fischarper

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From the archives…a roundup of Harp String Changing Resources.

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