Breezing Through Bass Clef


Super exciting news over here! Today is the public launch of my first ecourse, “Breezing Through Bass Clef”!!!!!

It’s designed to help you look at bass clef in a new way. Bass clef seems to be more difficult for students to grasp than treble clef, and I want to help you breeze through it! If you’re a teacher, this course might give you some ideas on a different way to approach bass clef. Or, you can send your students a link to sign up (or both!). If you’re a student, this course can help you grasp bass clef. Either way, right now, it’s free!

“Breezing Through Bass Clef” includes text-based lessons, worksheets, and quizzes, as well as comments sections in each module to encourage discussion and questions. It’s a short course, so should be quite do-able without committing to a long-term project.

Please let me know what you think of the course in the comments and on social media. I’d love for you to share “Breezing Through Bass Clef” with your friends too!

Thanks a million!


Barbara Fischer runs Fischarper, LLC and loves her job as a harpist and private music educator. She enjoys blogging about various aspects of the music field on For more music resources, check out the Fischarper Teachers Pay Teachers Store and Making Harp Lessons Exciting For Young Children, written by Bambi Fischer (Barbara’s mom!) and revised and edited by Barbara. You can connect with Barbara all over the interwebs on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube. And you can sign up to receive Fischarper updates by joining the email list.

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